
Friday, June 28, 2013

High Five For Friday

Well it's that day of the week again, fabulous Friday!! Can I get a whoop, whoop?

1. To me nothing says summertime like sidewalk chalk and flip flops. Spent the evening making masterpieces with the little man, only to get washed away over night. 
2. The clouds decided to part for a bit and tease us after 6 inches of rain in four days.
3. With all of the rain Jax was sad we had to leave his sunnies behind every day this week. 
4. And the rain stopped, finally! Watching the sunset with beautiful clear sky. 
5. Doing what we do best, an I Love You contest. We see who can yell it the loudest. I love him to pieces. Cheap entertainment but I am sure the neighbors weren't too pleased. 

So High Five For Friday lovelies and have a super weekend.

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Thursday, June 27, 2013

Gosh, I love my Pops!

I'd like you to meet these two handsome fellas. Well one is a regular (Jax) as his much younger self and the other is my Pops. Side note I know this picture is a tad old but I think I love it so much because I got my Dad to wear purple. 

I mean I love him not matter what and well sometimes Dads can just know how to push your buttons (well at least mine does). We are like the same person so I think that's why he's so good at it. 

Sorry for the rambling, moving on. So last year me and a group of girls participated in the Dirty Girl Mud Run. 

With my bestie Brit included.

And here is the aftermath...

Needless to say we were a mess. But it was so much fun. We even had our own cheering section. 

So this year is no exception we are going to make it a tradition. 

Enter why my Pops is the coolest. I got a text from him yesterday asking if Brit and I were doing the Mud Run again and I said, umm YES! I assumed he was asking so he could watch Jax. Nope not the case. Being the sweetheart I know he is as wanted to make sure we were still running it so he could pay both of our entry fees (AWWWWWW). 

My Pops never ceases to amaze me and this is why I love him bunches. 

So Dad this one's for you and thanks for just being you!

Happy Kids, Inc

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Gotta have faith

Oldie but a goody that's for sure!

It's gotten me through quite a few hard times in my life and this time around is no exception. 

As some of you may know lately I have hit a little roadblock at work and a snag in my personal life. But here is how I look at it. You just have to know know it's going to get better. 

Whether it be a roadblock or snag life is full of detours, sometimes those are the best part. As my Mom has always to me, Katie you have always taken the scenic route with things. I think it's because I enjoy the beauty in it, even if it takes longer. 

Well not so long ago I told you I was having difficulties at work and questioned what to do as I thought I was at a dead end. Well....late last week a new and exciting opportunity was placed before me at my current   place of employment. Which meant not needing to update resume or sweat through the interview process. 

A new program is in the works and I was asked to head it up. I was nominated four of my bosses (HUGE pat on the back, by the way) that I would be perfect for it. So I might have to put my foot in my mouth as I thought no one noticed how hard I was working and taking on extra work. Because this time it payed off, it was noticed and I am being rewarded for it.

So onward and upward I say. I have a lot to do and learn but bring it on!

As far as my romantic life is concerned it could use some work but besides that I have so many other things to be thankful for. Like awesome friends, family I am grateful for and my sweet lil guy Jax. 

Happy Humpday my pretties!

Monday, June 24, 2013

Well it's Monday

Okay, well I made it to Monday. So that's a good thing. Yes it's Monday but it's the last thing on my mind. 

Fake it 'till you make it is going to be my motto this week(read why, here).

Well I suppose there is a reason it didn't work out and God has another plan for me. (I don't want to rush him but I wish he would figure it out.)

So this week's agenda is going to consist of keeping busy to keep my mind of unnecessary things. 

I think the biggest obstacle is going to be entertaining the little guy indoors since the temperature is going to be in the upper 80s and the dew point in the upper 60s low 70s which translates to HUMID and uncomfortable. 

1. I'm looking forward to cracking open a new book, I just haven't decided which one yet, I was thinking something funny?

2. Also I think I'll squeeze in homemade play-dough with the little man, it'll keep up both busy.

3. And most likely some baking. Nothing like sweets when you're trying to get over someone. 

So cheers to a better week, a new future and Happy Monday!

Monday Mingling

Saturday, June 22, 2013

AKWARD, period.

That one time when I met my boyfriend's fiance, AWKWARD!

No, you read that right. That just happened. I am still in a state of shock. I think it hurts more to say it out loud. MY B-O-Y-F-R-I-E-N-D has a F-I-A-N-C-E, umm what!

Is this really happening?

Since I have been with him I knew he traveled for work a lot. What I didn't know is that the travel meant another life and a relationship. 

Some how she found me and sought me out. I was out with friends for the night and this "random" girl asked how I knew him. 

blah, blah, blah, I'm his GF and he's my fiance.(to make a story short).

GASP, I'm a mistress!?

I've never gone into a relationship to break up another. It hurts me though to know what I have done to her, unintendingly. 

As we parted ways I wished her the best. But today I get a text saying, "I hope WE can move on with OUR lives without YOU!!!"

I wasn't hurt that I have dumped in a nonchalant sort of way but that fact she was will to keep/take him back.  Weird.

At a loss of words and don't know what to do. I have to say I am in a state of distrust! 

Friday, June 21, 2013

High five for Friday

1. My little man had a wonderful time this past weekend playing with this little lovely. So sweet.
2. I walk past this piece of artwork everyday and I finally took a picture. It makes me smile every time.
3. Father's day was spend at the zoo with my Pops and little man. Apparently he's telling Papa a real good story. :)
4. Little man and I were practicing feet dancing for the first time. He loved it! It was so hard to get a picture. One of the moments that I wish could last forever.
5. First day of summer and I needed a refreshing morning pick up. It's only 8:00 and it's already 73 degrees.

Have a fab weekend!

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Thursday, June 20, 2013

That time I cried at work

Alright, so it happened. I'll admit it, it's not the first time but it's the first time in a long time. And it train rolled me, I didn't even see it coming, it just happened. 

I am sure it was due to a combination of things in both my private and professional life, but one thing at work just pushed me over the edge.

This is nothing I hate more than being talked down. Especially at work not to mention coupled with an eye roll because I won't bend the rules so you can make your commission. I am following the rules and doing my job and going through the proper channels. 

But because you didn't care for my answer you went above me to get what you wanted. You returned to me and told me just to do it, that you had approval from above(whom I haven't heard from yet). I just questioned how we were going to proceed, you rolled your eyes and as you walked away told me you didn't have time to discuss it with me. 

And then came the water works, and I don't know why. I think it's because I take pride in my job and do it well(or so I have been told). I thought we were COWORKERS meaning we work together not boss each other around as you are not my manager. 

Okay, end rant along with a Google search of Kim K. crying and I feel much better.

Happy Friday Eve!

Happy Kids, Inc

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Secrets are a funny thing

So last night I happen to stumble upon this little app called Whisper, let's just say after that my night was shot. I got lost in it really. 

But before I get into it, do you remember a series of coffee table books called Post Secret?

Just a quick run down on what Post Secret is. You anonymously send a post card into the address above with your secrets. More or less purging secrets you're afraid to share with anyone else. I have a few of these books and some of them are quite shocking. But that's what makes it a page turner.

I find it a bit interesting how you can get lost in others secrets, some are sad, funny or just plain jaw dropping. But I guess secrets are funny that way especially when they are anonymous. 

Okay, so back to the app, it's called Whisper and it literally is the digital version of Post Secret. Here is what's cool about it. You can take or upload a picture as your background and add text to it. It also has some pretty neat photo filters. 
It publishes your secret anonymously but you can also share on Facebook, Twitter and Tumblr if you want. You can reply to posts and correspond without the publisher knowing who you are. 

And if you don't want to post anything is just fun to browse and read what others are willing to share. 

Have fun!

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Trophy Kids, are you one?

So I was reading an article recently about Generation Y a.k.a.(take a deep breath) Millennials, Generation Me, Trophy Kids, I could go on and on.

This generation begins in the early 1980s to the early 2000s, oh my goodness that's me! Reading further into the subject on the characteristics and traits I really began to question is this who I am?

Am I from a generation of self entitlement and narcissism? All of the articles that I read those were the two main characteristics. Did I grow up with the constant need of warm fuzzes and reassurance that I was awesome. 

I began to question did my parents do this to me or was this how everyone my age was being raised? With that it was time to whip out the memory boxes and photo albums. Gasp, much to my dismay I had a ton trophies, metal, certificates and ribbons. It was almost nauseating, I got awards for just living, REALLY? With being just given things growing up was that shaping what I thought I deserved as an adult? I had so many questions.

Maybe I did have a small amount of  self entitlement but narcissism, no way! Narcissism is defined(here) as inordinate fascination with oneself; excessive self-love; vanity. Well that wasn't me or was it? I thought about how long it takes me to get ready in the morning and how many times I look at myself in the mirror a day. And maybe this is just a girl thing(that's my story and I am sticking to it) we like to be told we look good. If someone notices we lost weight, new close or hair style, we love it. Now I don't think I am a narcissist but there is the pressure of today and the keeping up with the Jones' effect. 

I guess I just find it a bit appalling that this is my generation. Is this how generations before and after me will perceive me? If that's the case I am ashamed.

So take a moment and think about it. This for sure is not what I want my generation to be known for. 

Monday, June 17, 2013

What are friends for?

With everyone I think that your group of friends have a class status on how they relate in your life. And just this past weekend a special couple in my life just got promoted.

We became from through association a few years ago and have only become closer (I secretly hope they feel the same.)

At first our common bond was our children now it's much more!

With parents of toddlers I feel sometimes you have those frustrating moments when you just have to walk away because your children(bless their little hearts) can strike that last nerve. With that said, on my way home from work I get a phone call from my friend asking to watch their adorable daughter so they could have a moment alone and grab some dinner. All I had to reply with was no problem. My little guy and their daughter play famously together. 

When they came to pick up their cutie we had made some plans for Saturday evening. 

After a Saturday afternoon with my little dude at the zoo I got a phone call from my friend (assuming to make plans). What I got a was a panicked call to come grab their daughter as she needed to call an ambulance for her husband. I said yes and she hung up. In a panic I race over to her house and she comes out crying saying she thinks her husband is having a heart attack. 

So I take their daughter home with me so she doesn't have to be witness to the uncertain chaos. I was just plain worried for them. So another evening of playing with this little cutie is not a problem in my book. 

A few hours later I got a call that he was okay(sigh of relief) but they still needed to run tests. She wanted to make sure that is was okay her little one stay a while longer. I told my friend to stop thanking me and that it was okay and not to rush. I was just glad I was home and able to be there. 

Six hours later with a safe return and a messy living room(as you can see) they came and got their sleeping beauty.

Sunday afternoon there was a little disappointment in my household. As it was Father's Day and I am a single mother those moments can be a bit rough. Trying to explain a broken promise can be hard(I will leave that one alone as it's still an open wound). 

So the remainder of the day was consumed with bubbles and sidewalk caulk.

I get a call from my friends with an invite for dinner. We had a fabulous time at the cookout as they wanted to thank me for being their and wish me a Happy Father's Day as I am pulling double duty(all smiles).

Friends are God's way of taking care of us. 

Sorry for the long post but this really means a lot to me. 

Happy Monday!

Sami's Shenanigans

Friday, June 14, 2013

High five for Friday

Woot, woot! Looks like we made it, finally!

It's been a long week and at times a bit frustrating. But hey it's almost the weekend. 

1. Cooked up a little D.I.Y. project this week for the little man. Pool noodles for the bath tub. Needless to say it was a hit. 
2. Quirky little window display of a downtown business I happened to pass. It made me laugh so I had to share.
3. Work trip to Chicago became a parking lot for 2 hours due to a truck being on fire. No keys required for this trip.
4. Once I finally made it to my Chicago office my boss treated me to an Italian beef sandwich at Portillo's, yummy!
5. After my long work day to Chicago and back I settled in for the evening with a margarita.

High Five for Friday!!

Enjoy your Father's Day weekend!

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